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Betty Kovacs

I studied filmmaking, business and entertainment management, creative direction and tourism; lived, studied and gained experiences in different countries across Europe. I have a strong passion for media, film, environmental & social issues and how these can work together to solve the big issues of our generation.

I recognized it early on that we need a global community to be able to make the changes needed, to educate and inspire each other towards living a more conscious and sustainable lifestyle.

In order to have a meaningful impact we need to work together regardless of our background, age or profession, whether as individuals, businesses or organisations. This is why I created the idea of CM, a conscious media that primarily works as a social media platform with the trio formula of entertainment, education and action which in my opinion incorporates everything thats needed for a unique, powerful and unbeatable media community that can create the positive changes the world needs.

  • Let's change the world for the better, together.


  • The only possible way to save the Planet is together.


  • It is time to create a better future, together.
